Well, as I mentioned earlier my parents visited us for a week at the cabin. Dad has never driven on the "wrong" side of the road so when I collected them from the airport I made Dad drive back to show them just how easy it is! We had a fantastic week visiting Skarsa, Soderhamn & the Bolleberget Nature Reserve.

We walked in the forest close to Simsjon & visited Simmesjon where we tried to sink the pontoon.

We took the canoe out on Orsjon & managed to get everyone paddling, Mum, Dad & even Sarah's mum although Rolo fell in & decided that he'd rather swim for shore.
We also did a fair amount of cooking outdoors using our fire-ring & our

new cooking tripod made for me by Launditch1 in Norfolk. For those who aren't familiar with his work, Launditch1 (you'll find him via Bushcraft UK) is a master blacksmith who works from a forge in North Norfolk & makes a variety of bushcraft related items including fire steels & of course camp-fire cooking tripods. The tripod proved to be fantastic for suspending our cast iron pot & it looked great too. I had asked for a twist in the legs that finished the tripod off perfectly & was complemented by the poker Launditch1 also forged for me. So, if you're after the perfect accessory for your camp-fire whether you're a bushcrafter or just like a fire in your garden look the guy up, you won't regret it!